Category: Stories

  • Aishu’s Commune

    “WELL, COME THIS WAY SIR, step in, come along, let’s get going on our little tour, the start of our adventure together and let’s see where you might find yourself ending up. Which room will be for you?”

  • Catching Marty Funk

    THE OCEAN AIR SMELLS SWEET, the colors of the red earth are deep and full of surprises, and the soft sands, the green forest, the people from every walk of life can be wonderful and warm. The sign above the exit in front of me is in eight languages and all say Welcome to Goa,…

  • The Root of Compromise

    Glover is a hacker by night chased around the world across a dozen countries on four continents. He plans to launch his attack from a tiny, quiet and peaceful beach in Thailand… only then would he realize his mistake, that he had caused a major disaster on the other side of the world by mistake,…

  • My Good Friend Lenny

    Hold on tight, Lenny. I’m coming for you and I really want to help but you must trust me and cooperate.